Tuesday, June 2, 2009

NOOB Semi-Candid Singles

(Note: All are deeply involved in a game of SSB, occasionally causing a look of intense concentration, anger, or pleasure)




The NOOBS Off-Set

NOOB Dudes Getting Serious About Smash

Today's Current Noobs

The NOOBS of Today

All NOOBS in order from left to right:
Skylar, Nick, Jeff, Jake, Cole

Monday, June 1, 2009

Soup Kitchen Craziness!

The Noobs (Skylar, Nick, Jeff and Cole) spent last Sunday working at the Paz De Christo (Or if you're Carter, the "Paaays" De Christo) Soup Kitchen. The Noobs were in charge of preparing the fruit salad, rolling silverwear and pouring drinks at meal time. By the end of the day we had helped feed over 250 people. Go team!

P.S. Jeff and Cole had to leave a little early so we couldn't get them in any pictures. Sorry Guys! :(

Skylar and Nick at Cleanup. Notice the slight head tilt :P

The infamous "look"


As always, we followed up the soup kitchen with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Sorensen's for dinner and a movie. We decided on watching The Princess Bride because Nick had never seen it before! Inconceivable, right? Needless to say, he enjoyed it very much :)

The next soup kitchen adventure is at the end of August. Hope to see everyone there again!