Monday, February 23, 2009

Nick's Update

I wanted to update the page with something of my own since I have been away from the NOOBS for the past week and a half. The band, or Caleb and I rather, just finished tracking the rest of the songs for the Capa to the Sun EP! It was a very long, difficult and often times frustrating process. It was definitely way harder than I though it would be but the hard work really did pay off in the end because the songs sound amazing! Right now all the tracks are being mixed (should be finished in a few weeks) then they will be shipped off someplace to be mastered. Once mastered, the songs will be sent off to be pressed on to a thousand or so CD's which should arrive back to us just in time for the summer. The CD release show is still scheduled for May 15th at the Clubhouse Music Venue. Caleb and I are still going over different concepts for what the CD booklet will look like and we also have to decide on a name for the album, so there's still plenty of work to be done. For now, I am excited to go back to chillin' with the NOOBS. I can't stand missing FFC. And what's the deal with Cole shelling out the goods the ONE time I can't be there?!?! LAME!!! O well. To all the missionaries reading this, I miss you guys! Stay safe and keep it chill.

Seacrest Out.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

(NOOBS: Nick in gray shirt, Jeff with hand over mouth, Skylar holding Tweety)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Christmas Break Shenanigans... On Film

Welcome to the official NOOB blog

Greetings! And welcome to the brand new blog dedicated to the adventures of the New Omega Omega Beta. This will be the #1 place to find updates and news about us and we will update it as regularly as possible.

Brief History:

The New Omega Omega Betas began in the small town of Gilbert, Arizona in the quiet home of Wade and Vicki Sorensen. Their living room was a spot that the founding members of the Beta (Carter, Chris, Ryan, Nick, Jake, Cole) frequented to chill and play Super Smash Bros. It was decided one day that we would start a fraternity and make the living room into our very own, very small frat house. The betas, over the course of time adopted many weekly traditions such as the short lived Tuesday Night Bowling Nights, The Midnight Creature Features and the very popular Finer Foods Club. But more importantly, we just played a lot of video games. The NOOB vinyl was hung over the living room in early 2008 and it still stands to this day. Although many of the founding members of NOOB are currently serving their missions, an elite handful remain, keeping the traditions alive.

The Betas will reunite in the Summer of 2010...

NOOB Team Partytime #1

N.O.O.B. Titles

Carter Sorensen: NOOB Councilman 1, Founding Member
Specializations: SSB Titan, mad dance skills, fun sense of humor and expert in attracting psycho girls that will remain nameless.
Current Status: Serving Mormon Mission in Sao Palo, Brazil.

Ryan Weimer: NOOB Councilman 2, Founding Member
Specializations: SSB Titan, quickest wit, expert hacking skills (not kidding) and master at telling funny jokes too quietly for anyone but the person standing next to him to hear, only to have them re-tell the joke and get all the glory.
Current Status: Serving Mormon Mission in Washington D.C., U.S.A.

Chris Heninger: NOOB Councilman 3, Official Graphic Designer, Founding Member
Specializations: Professional graphic designer and vinyl setter. Expert at tabulating who pays how much when the waitress forgets to split our dinner check.
Current Status: Serving Mormon Mission in Nagoya, Japan.

Nick Miller: NOOB Team Partytime #1, Asst. Activities Coordinator, Founding Member
Specializations: SSB Titan, Musician, THE guitar hero, Down for anything 100% of the time. Makes a mean bowl of guac.
Current Status: Residing in Gilbert, attending college and playing music in a band.

Luke Hamlett: NOOB Head Chef, NOOB Team Partytime #2, Founding Member
Specializations: SSB Titan, Expert in the culinary arts, Master at pushing the boundaries between funny and creepy.
Current Status: MIA Last spotted on the island of Molokai farming papaya.

Cole Patterson: NOOB Mooch #1, Chief Security Advisor, Founding Member
Specializations: Getting other people to pay for him and/or getting free stuff, all star athlete, intimidating NOOB enemies with tough guy appearance.
Current Status: Residing in Gilbert, attending high school, getting rocked by Pat.

Jake Taylor: NOOB Snack Wench, Founding Member
Specializations: Making grocery runs when available
Current Status: MIA last seen at Jarom's wedding

Skylar Buck: NOOB Head Activities Coordinator, NOOB secritary
Specializations: Expert at planning fun things to do and organizing events, 5th Degree Black Belt, Always has the recorder or Flip camera on hand and ready to go. Only girl member of NOOB.
Current Status: Residing in Gilbert, attending high school

Jeff Hansen: NOOB Partytime #3
Specializations: SSB Titan, Expert with the WiiMote, Always down for a good time, fun personality and always in a good mood.
Current Status: Residing in Gilbert, attending college, working at Grimm's Books