Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Welcome Home, Chris!

The first of the NOOB's returned yesterday! It was a great and emotional day for everyone. We're so excited to have Chris back and we're looking forward to all the good times ahead!

-Nick & Sky

Sunday, January 3, 2010

How Me and Nick's Activities REALLY Go Down

Decorating a gingerbread house was one of our Christmas "musts" this past year, so here are some pics showing us, or should I say NICK, working on the decor. This demonstrates the progression of events as we try to finish a task.

Phase 1: Both Nick and I working dilligently on completing the house.
Phase 2: I become distracted and begin trying to distract Nick.

Phase 3: I begin to eat the decor rather than putting it on the house. Note Nick still working.

Phase 4: I begin to refuse to take orders.

Phase 5: I rebel. Note Nick STILL working.

Phase 6: I go in for the kill, but get caught instead. Nick actually smiles!
Phase 7: I still don't work. Note Nick still working.

Phase 8: I am completely finished with the house mentally and am ready to throw it out the window, even though I spent hardly any time actually working on it myself.

Phase 9: I start eating even more candy for stress relief. Note Nick still working.

Phase 10: Nick finally snaps. I win.

Nick and I looking like complete and total creeps.

Nick looking like a stud and me looking like a total psycho.

The final product.

Winter Formal December 2009

Hey!! These are some of my fav pics from Winter Formal this last December. As you may know, or very shortly will know, I took Nick. Poor guy. It was a definite welcome-back-to-high-school function for him, but I had a really great time and am so glad he went with me!!

Nick and I

Nick and I again

Me laughing at Johnny

Mary and I

Nick and Johnny (love this pic)

Us and Nick's Parents

Nick and I

Nick lookin' spiffy!