Sunday, January 3, 2010

How Me and Nick's Activities REALLY Go Down

Decorating a gingerbread house was one of our Christmas "musts" this past year, so here are some pics showing us, or should I say NICK, working on the decor. This demonstrates the progression of events as we try to finish a task.

Phase 1: Both Nick and I working dilligently on completing the house.
Phase 2: I become distracted and begin trying to distract Nick.

Phase 3: I begin to eat the decor rather than putting it on the house. Note Nick still working.

Phase 4: I begin to refuse to take orders.

Phase 5: I rebel. Note Nick STILL working.

Phase 6: I go in for the kill, but get caught instead. Nick actually smiles!
Phase 7: I still don't work. Note Nick still working.

Phase 8: I am completely finished with the house mentally and am ready to throw it out the window, even though I spent hardly any time actually working on it myself.

Phase 9: I start eating even more candy for stress relief. Note Nick still working.

Phase 10: Nick finally snaps. I win.

Nick and I looking like complete and total creeps.

Nick looking like a stud and me looking like a total psycho.

The final product.

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