Thursday, April 22, 2010

87 Days of Summer Bucket List, 2010

1) Make a s’more*

2) Discover a new park*

3) Make a picnic*

4) Eat a spoonful of honey*

5) Quilt a blanket*

6) Sniff someone’s armpit*

7) Take a picture with an unseen background*

8) Make a facebook page just to delete a facebook page*

9) Demolish a cardboard box*

10) Wax a section of arm or leg with scotch tape*

11) Read through Book of Mormon*

12) Get a signature*

13) Buy a clothing item*

14) Wear a bandana down country club*

15) Go to a fancy restaurant*

16) Find a house*

17) Eat a pancake at exactly 1:18 AM*

18) Slick just the front of your hair back for a day*

19) Fly a kite*

20) Build and launch a rocket*

21) Ditch work just to ditch work*

22) Make an epic potato head

23) Pick a flower*

24) Throw an egg*

25) Make and eat a new type of soup*

26) Paint a wall*

27) Wear scented lotion*

28) Shred a picture of someone*

29) Murder in the dark*

30) Shine a shoe*

31) Wear a sombrero to the grocery store*

32) Buy a bag of depends at midnight*

33) Take a daytrip somewhere*

34) “That’s what she said” the best phrase*

35) Tie-dye a shirt*

36) Complete a circuit*

37) Eat exactly one serving of your favorite potato chips*

38) Light something on fire*

39) Kick something really hard*

40) Spike someone’s punch…with amp*

41) Ice block*

42) Make breadsticks*

43) Plant a type of something and watch it grow*

44) Eat the day’s meals in reverse*

45) Wear something obvious inside-out*

46) Play guitar hero*

47) Play a song on an instrument blindfolded*

48) Throw a party*

49) Teepee a house*

50) Eat Harkin’s biggest bin of popcorn…the whole thing*

51) See a crappy movie…twice*

52) Learn a magic trick*

53) Play a game of cards*

54) Tube at the lake*

55) Feed ducks a full on dinner*

56) Give a gift*

57) Adventure on the light rail*

58) Complete a puzzle*

59) Finish a recipe book*

60) Start a photo album*

61) Get a facial*

62) Prank someone…HXcore*

63) Keep tabs on all acronyms used*

64) Water balloon war*

65) Eat a churro*

66) Dip something sour into something sweet, or vice versa*

67) Wash a car*

68) Dive into a pool*

69) Fondue*

70) Imitate a dance*

71) Wear sunglasses indoors*

72) Take a road as far as it goes…without running out of gas*

73) Usery park*

74) Projector movie*

75) Admire a statue*

76) Salute a jerk*

77) Jerk in public*

78) Pick a theme song*

79) Eat a burrito*

80) Take a phone video of something you’ll only see once*

81) Find a favorite youtube video*

82) Go shooting*

83) Shake a hand*

84) Lick your fingers after eating dinner*

85) Drink a restaurant’s water…with a lemon*

86) Reminisce at cheesecake factory*

87) Go to future park*

Revisions to come soon...stay posted! -Sky

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Copeland Farewell Show

It was NOOB tradtition to support our favorite bands by going to their shows. On numerous occasions we were at the Clubhouse or Marquee for groups such as The Rocket Summer, Mae Relient K etc. This last week, the world lost a great band and one that many of the NOOBS held especially dear. Copeland was a band that many of us grew up listening to and followed very closely. They were personally my favorite band and I had the privilege of spreading their music to the rest of the NOOBS. It was great to see them play one last time and to hear some of my favorites live. R.I.P. Copeland, you will be missed.

Opening band Deas Vail performing. They were good! Check them out.

Direct Support Ace Enders with his solo project I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business They were even better! Check them out.

And finally... Copeland. They played an awesome last show. I was lucky enough to catch the set list after the show too. It was a great experience.

Video of California (Mission Safe)
