Thursday, April 22, 2010

87 Days of Summer Bucket List, 2010

1) Make a s’more*

2) Discover a new park*

3) Make a picnic*

4) Eat a spoonful of honey*

5) Quilt a blanket*

6) Sniff someone’s armpit*

7) Take a picture with an unseen background*

8) Make a facebook page just to delete a facebook page*

9) Demolish a cardboard box*

10) Wax a section of arm or leg with scotch tape*

11) Read through Book of Mormon*

12) Get a signature*

13) Buy a clothing item*

14) Wear a bandana down country club*

15) Go to a fancy restaurant*

16) Find a house*

17) Eat a pancake at exactly 1:18 AM*

18) Slick just the front of your hair back for a day*

19) Fly a kite*

20) Build and launch a rocket*

21) Ditch work just to ditch work*

22) Make an epic potato head

23) Pick a flower*

24) Throw an egg*

25) Make and eat a new type of soup*

26) Paint a wall*

27) Wear scented lotion*

28) Shred a picture of someone*

29) Murder in the dark*

30) Shine a shoe*

31) Wear a sombrero to the grocery store*

32) Buy a bag of depends at midnight*

33) Take a daytrip somewhere*

34) “That’s what she said” the best phrase*

35) Tie-dye a shirt*

36) Complete a circuit*

37) Eat exactly one serving of your favorite potato chips*

38) Light something on fire*

39) Kick something really hard*

40) Spike someone’s punch…with amp*

41) Ice block*

42) Make breadsticks*

43) Plant a type of something and watch it grow*

44) Eat the day’s meals in reverse*

45) Wear something obvious inside-out*

46) Play guitar hero*

47) Play a song on an instrument blindfolded*

48) Throw a party*

49) Teepee a house*

50) Eat Harkin’s biggest bin of popcorn…the whole thing*

51) See a crappy movie…twice*

52) Learn a magic trick*

53) Play a game of cards*

54) Tube at the lake*

55) Feed ducks a full on dinner*

56) Give a gift*

57) Adventure on the light rail*

58) Complete a puzzle*

59) Finish a recipe book*

60) Start a photo album*

61) Get a facial*

62) Prank someone…HXcore*

63) Keep tabs on all acronyms used*

64) Water balloon war*

65) Eat a churro*

66) Dip something sour into something sweet, or vice versa*

67) Wash a car*

68) Dive into a pool*

69) Fondue*

70) Imitate a dance*

71) Wear sunglasses indoors*

72) Take a road as far as it goes…without running out of gas*

73) Usery park*

74) Projector movie*

75) Admire a statue*

76) Salute a jerk*

77) Jerk in public*

78) Pick a theme song*

79) Eat a burrito*

80) Take a phone video of something you’ll only see once*

81) Find a favorite youtube video*

82) Go shooting*

83) Shake a hand*

84) Lick your fingers after eating dinner*

85) Drink a restaurant’s water…with a lemon*

86) Reminisce at cheesecake factory*

87) Go to future park*

Revisions to come soon...stay posted! -Sky

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