Monday, December 7, 2009

Nick's Baptism

David and Ashley

Nick and Sky

The "Man"tage

The Elders (still don't know their 1st names)

Nick and Wade

So, I know this is extrememly late-notice, but I thought I should update the blog anyway. These are some pics from Nick's baptism on the 21st of November. It was a really good time, the Spirit was really strong and not only did Nick get dunked and become an official member of the church, my testimony was reaffirmed and I felt like a new member myself...kinda. I wish all the Noobs were here to witness it - it was a cool experience, but I know that only through them and people like Vickie and Wade, The Hansens, the Grahams, and the Heningers did any of this even happen. I'm grateful for all y'all's examples to me and I love you guys! And congrats Nick on your decision. You were always a happy person, but the difference now is incredible. I know the Gospel increases happiness. I guess growing up in the church and never living without it makes it harder to recognize it's blessings, but watching your decisions and the peace and happiness you've received from them have definitely been a testimony-builder for me. Love ya. As for Johnny and Mary, you guys are my favorites in the world! Seriously. You guys are awesome and I'm so glad I've gotten to know you. I love chillin and talkin with ya, and I appreciate you for letting me raid your house on a constant basis. You both have taught me a lot about selflessness, and I now see where Nick gets all his awesome traits from. I hope I can develop some of those qualities. Love you guys! Anyway, that's what I got. Peace for now!
Just a note: I don't have pics of anyone else, so if you're not up here, I'm sorry!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Uhh... this is gettin' pretty scary already.

Somebody won this fake mustache at Fuddrucker's in Cali. Good times! =D

Crazy Bird Lady at Knott's Berry Farm Halloween Haunt.

I don't even need to say which one Sky's is. :P

Coolest Halloween candy EVER! Severed gummy foot with hard candy all the way throughout for bones. Yuk!

... This one speaks for itself.

Spock and Uhura. Still can't believe we actually went to P.F. Chang's like this! xD

Live Long and Prosper.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Disneyland Nick Style!

Hi everyone! I had some time to myself so I thought I'd post some pictures from my work trip! It's been really fun so far. Disneyland was awesome! I've been meeting all of the boy's extended family too. Everyone is Chinese and no one speaks English. I'm the only white boy around! All the restaurants we've been going to are very authentic and I've been eating some pretty strange things. i.e. jellyfish, intestines, stomach. But it's been pretty cool. Miss you all! See ya soon.


Me n Dylen

Dylen's little brother Deven.

I had no clue they took your picture on this ride. That pose is 100% legit! xD

Halloween time at Disneyland!

Chinese food!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nick's Birthday!

John and Fred warming up the grill

Wade being Wade


Much better!

Skylar being a brat.

Still being a brat!

Yay, got one!

Nick & Sky

Thank you all so much for making my birthday amazing. I love you guys!


Saturday, August 22, 2009


“My whole world is under construction.” –Nick Miller
“Skylar, you are the stabilizing force in Nick’s life.” –Wade Sorensen
“Nothing looks better than black. Especially when you deck out a car with jet black paint and coat the interior in black leathaaaa. Mmm.” –Unknown
"How hard is it to get a gallon of milk? It's milk. Drive down to Safeway and buy the milk. If you need 4 gallons, get 4 gallons. It's not that hard. I don't get what the big deal is. It's milk." -Wade Sorensen
“Let’s get one thing straight right now. I am my OWN sunshine. Got it?” –Nick Miller, for Carter ;)
“People that use extra water have extra class.”
“Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.”
“You just can’t resist stealing my lines, can you?” –Skylar, mostly to Nick Miller
“Cuz I’m koo like dat, cuz I’m koo like dat.” –Nick Miller, mostly to Skylar
“Don’t look at me like yo momma don’t feed you!” –Skylar, inspired by Rachel Wallace
“You know something? You’re right!” –Fred Buck
"Crank that! It's 8 o'clock baby! AC time!!!" -Nick Miller
"Don't knock it till you've tried it." -Nick Miller
"Cancel my subscription, I'm tired of your issues." -Nick Miller, mostly to Skylar
"I don't truce, I win." -Sky
"It's not cuz I'm clammy...its just hand lotion." -Nick
"We need to come up with something to we can do do." -Nick

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

80 Things I Learned This Summer
By Nick

1. ALWAYS check the date on your concert ticket.
2. Don’t order the buffalo wings at NYPD
3. Jeans really aren’t created equal.
4. Don’t be afraid to be ASSertive
5. Ducks need love too
6. Year One is a terrible movie
7. Most sodas don’t taste very good mixed together (with the obvious exception of anything Mountan Dew related)
8. Macaroni Grill = Win
9. Guitar Hero is more fun Co-Op
10. Skylar’s cheesecake > Cheesecake’s cheesecake
11. I’m way too good at murder
12. It’s never an inappropriate time for the “tropic thunder” dance
13. Bass guitar really does matter
14. I’m not too good at prank calls
15. It IS possible to live of QT drinks and egg rolls
16. Twinkies+ (Hostess) Cupcakes + Tacos @ Midnight Doritos + Dew + Twilight Zone Marathon = Best 4th of July conceivable
17. Croquet brings out the worst in me
18. Playing 21+ shows sucks and is a total waste of time
19. Coraline 3-D doesn’t work
20. Nights at Lake Powell are the best for star gazing
21. I can’t make it through Pride and Prejudice
22. Clint Eastwood is my favorite grumpy old man
23. Billy Mays was a true hero
24. Homemade Gamefuel is the #1 cause of all my negative health related issues
25. Double check who you’re texting before you send it.
26. Smash Bros. brings people together
27. Don’t eat ANYTHING in Page, AZ
28. Buying music on iTunes is lame
29. Hilary Duff gives good advice on how to live life
30. Getting pulled over isn’t so bad
31. Short hair is really easy to maintain
32. Works Works! Very well I might add ☺
33. Powdered sugar DOES NOT work
34. All of Pitbull’s songs sound the same. THE SAME!
35. Touring with girls is a BAD idea.
36. Don’t drink spicy ramen broth
37. Charades with glasses is more fun
38. You shouldn’t forge glasses prescriptions
39. Cheesecake Factory is my second home
40. Star Trek pwns!
41. People at baseball games are just as entertaining as the game
42. I’m getting too old for midnight movie premiers
43. My biggest fears are change, being let down and not being in control
44. New Mexico sucks
45. Acronyms are T.O.F. (tons of fun)
46. Lightning heals the o-zone layer
47. Brio Lava Cakes are only good %50 of the time
48. I can recite The Cat in the Hat from memory if I see the page’s picture
49. I don’t like Korean food
50. I will eat cream cheese as long as you don’t tell me what it is
51. Don’t eat aunt Jill’s cookies
52. Skylar’s favourite colour is greenish/blue
53. Vickie makes awesome cobbler
55. Crepes are better homemade then at ihop
56. The Riparian Preserve is a scary place at night
57. Blue Gamefuel can be mixed with Red Gamefuel to make Green Gamefuel and it is insane!
58. Snape was a good guy all along
59. How not to let girls punk you!
60. The earth is roughly 6,000 years old
61. I know less about photoshop than I thought I did
62. Ice cream is also better homemade
63. Cheesecake factory doesn’t close till 11 on week nights
64. Be careful in Nordstrom Rack, the ladies fitting rooms are right next to the men’s section
65. It’s too hot to mini-golf in the summer, even at night
66. Sarcasm is hard to detect in a text message
67. There’s still hope for a salvageable relationship with Chip
68. Don’t get frustrated and take more Nyquil then you’re supposed to
69. The extra 24 minutes in Watchmen Director’s Cut make all the difference between a bad movie and a good one
70. You can get sore from golfing
71. Scary Movies are way more fun on a projector
72. Subway will make me sick indefinitely
73. Brownie sundaes at a party don’t work. Nobody’s interested. just put out the brownies
74. Hardcore shows are 0 fun after the 2nd band
75. I can eat an entire pizza at Gordon Biersch
76. I’ve run out of shirts that I can buy at American Apparel that I look good in
77. Objects in Chuck Norris’ rear view mirror appear at their correct distances
78. Breaks are for scrubs!
79. I’m not strong enough to delete my facebook
80. Strawberry lemonade is better than raspberry lemonade. S.D.T. (Speakin da truuffff!)

Well, that’s my list. It has been a very fulfilling summer and one I’ll never forget. I’ve missed Chris, Ryan and Carter but it was awesome getting Jon and Luke back. And Skylar! I seriously don’t know what I would have done without you this past year. Just… Thanks. nuff said. ☺ Hope everyone has a great fall/rest of the year! Jeff and Jake, you guys are going to be amazing missionaries and I’ll miss you a ton when you are gone. Let’s live it up till then! COLE! I’m stoked to watch you play football this year! Yay for Luke finding a job, I hope you really enjoy it. Jon, I promise that I will come down to visit you at school. It should be easier now that I have a license! Skylar, even though I probably wont have calc this semester, you’re not off the hook for helping me with Spanish!

Love you all!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Largo Photography

I recently did some modeling work for Largo and this is the link for the pictures. They aren't my senior pictures - unfortunately they're just Largo's soon-to-be advertising material. Hope you like them!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

NOOB Semi-Candid Singles

(Note: All are deeply involved in a game of SSB, occasionally causing a look of intense concentration, anger, or pleasure)




The NOOBS Off-Set

NOOB Dudes Getting Serious About Smash

Today's Current Noobs

The NOOBS of Today

All NOOBS in order from left to right:
Skylar, Nick, Jeff, Jake, Cole

Monday, June 1, 2009

Soup Kitchen Craziness!

The Noobs (Skylar, Nick, Jeff and Cole) spent last Sunday working at the Paz De Christo (Or if you're Carter, the "Paaays" De Christo) Soup Kitchen. The Noobs were in charge of preparing the fruit salad, rolling silverwear and pouring drinks at meal time. By the end of the day we had helped feed over 250 people. Go team!

P.S. Jeff and Cole had to leave a little early so we couldn't get them in any pictures. Sorry Guys! :(

Skylar and Nick at Cleanup. Notice the slight head tilt :P

The infamous "look"


As always, we followed up the soup kitchen with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Sorensen's for dinner and a movie. We decided on watching The Princess Bride because Nick had never seen it before! Inconceivable, right? Needless to say, he enjoyed it very much :)

The next soup kitchen adventure is at the end of August. Hope to see everyone there again!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Up your cool with our list of top-ranked acronyms for the summer
(SOA - Summer of Acronyms)
  1. BAFS - breaks are for scrubs
  2. BAH - boats and hos
  3. ASL - all summer long
  4. ASLB - all summer long BABY
  5. OOB - out of business
  6. DIFI - do it, fix it
  7. TIOLI - take it or leave it
  8. YCDITLITPUQTRI - you can drop it then leave it then pull up quick to retrieve it
  9. EF - epic failure
  10. KYPO - keep your pants on
  11. HDPTG - Homie don't play that game
  12. FOTB - fresh out the box
  13. MOS - make out sesh
  14. TMI - too much information
  15. PC - politically correct or party crasher, depending on context
  16. OPP - other people's property
  17. QAA - quite aways away
  18. DP - dance party
  19. IRL - in real life
  20. ER - eye roll
  21. LLAP - live long and prosper
  22. PW - pow wow
  23. RPP - really pessimistic person
  24. HI - hot item
  25. BME - best movie ever
  26. WYTYI? - who you think you is?
  27. TKFY - that's karma for ya
  28. OTB - on the ball or on the border, depending on context
  29. PTB - place to be
  30. AR - almost ridiculous
  31. VOP - very optimistic person
  32. BIB - back in business
  33. YDEK - you don't even know
  34. DEGT - don't even go there
  35. WME - worst movie ever
  36. UA - uber awkward
  37. JITT - junk in the trunk
  38. HP - half pimp
  39. HFS - ho fo sho
  40. FP - full pimp
  41. PTL - push the line
  42. CTL - cross the line
  43. FT - future trippin
  44. BTB - better than breyers
  45. BF - best friend or boy friend, depending on context
  46. WCUU - we crack us up
  47. WMUL - we make us laugh
  48. AF - acronym form
  49. GTBBTH - grab the bull by the horns
  50. GAL - get a life
  51. H&H - hot n heavy
  52. YGP - you got pwnd
  53. DGDN - dere goes da neighborhood
  54. BW - banana wonderland
  55. YAK - you ain't kiddin
  56. EIP- extremely insensitive person
  57. WIDPO - when in doubt, pinky out
  58. OMIF - open mouth, insert foot
  59. FV - fem vibe
  60. SDT - speak(in) da truuf! (truth)

Nick! Help a sista out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nick's CD Release Show!!!

Capa to the Sun's CD release show was on Friday, May 8th, 2009. I've been to a lot of their shows, but this one by far trumped all other performances. It was amazing!!! I'm so grateful to have Nick as a friend and am so proud of all his accomplishments! Come to his shows! Also, check out their rocks the house! Congrats to Capa!

A word to the audience: The Kool-Aid man in the background is Cole. And I apologize for the shaky filming and the bad sound quality. I did my best! And yes, the person dancing on camera is, in fact, Jarom.

A word to Jeff, Nick, Jake, and Cole: I appreciate your friendship to me so much. I hope this summer turns out to be an awesome one. I look forward to chilling with you guys and making fools of ourselves or anyone else that happens to be around!

Skylar ;)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

80 Days of Summer '09 Bucket List
Applies to each Noob member currently residing in Gilbert
Each Noob must have at least 1 other Noob member to witness the event
(Activities including but not limited to...)
* Completed

1) DP*
2) Blow something up*
3) Light something legit on fire*
4) Murder in the dark*
5) Pwn a song with any Guitar Hero instrument on expert*
6) See a concert*
7) Ultimate spoon night*
8) See 3 movie premieres*
9) Pool party*
10) Go to driving range*
11) Listen to a song at least 10 times in a row*
12) Buy the most expensive item on a restaurant's menu*
13) Get a manicure and/or pedicure*
14) Go to Bounce U*
15) Wade through a public water fountain*
16) Wear a pair of studs*
17) Barbeque at drive-in movie*
18) Dollar seats at a baseball game (bring oxygen masks)*
19) Wear scented deodorant (Axe doesn’t count)*
20) Pour lemon juice over an open wound*
21) Eat a sleeve of saltine crackers with no drink*
22) Cosmic bowling *
23) Roller skate*
24) Ghost-ride Main Street*
25) Mad game of charades*
26) Drink out of a glass at a restaurant with no straw and a lemon slice*
27) Make at least 6 circles around the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport*
28) Complete the Buckle Challenge*
29) Eat a Brio molten lava cake*
30) Wear a winter coat outside for an hour*
31) Jump into a pool fully clothed*
32) Push someone into a pool unexpectedly*
33) Go to Cedar Point*
34) Open a public bathroom door with bare hands*
35) Make a public disturbance*
36) Walk under a ladder*
37) Attend a ballroom dancing or a hip hop class*
38) Spend a day responding in only movie quotes*
39) Walk around with a blob of sunscreen on your nose in public*
40) Read Book of Mormon*
41) Travel to Sedona, AZ*
42) Sneak up on someone*
43) Crepe night*
44) Lasso a stationary object*
45) Tube at lake*
46) Feed ducks somewhere*
47) Have a picnic at a high altitude*
48) Projector movie*
49) Eat at Subway*
50) Wear princess crowns and carry a wand to Cheesecake*
51) Bake homemade bread*
52) Soup kitchen*
53) Eat/drink an item past the expiration date*
54) Drop something on the ground and eat it (intentional or accidental)*
55) Make it through Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightly version)*
56) Drink a gallon of chocolate milk over the course of 24 hours*
57) Pull an all-nighter*
58) Watch a movie on cots*
59) Make smores*
60) Laser tag*
61) Goofy golf, arcade, and/or go-cart*
62) 50 taco Tuesday, compliments of Del Taco*
63) Wing night*
64) Karaoke in public*
65) Sing rather than talk for one whole day*
66) Contain a bad case of road rage*
67) Have a dart, ping pong, and/or pool competition*
68) Make an awesome video for YouTube*
69) Water balloon war*
70) Tie dye shirts and wear them*
71) Eat a whole jar of jet-puff marshmallow crème or peanut butter*
72) Make and eat a saltdoodle*
73) Take a thought-provoking picture or pose for a model shot*
74) Long board*
75) Go to Ah-So*
76) Make sandcastles out of brown sugar*
77) Smash at the Sorensen’s*
78) Go fishing*
79) Pick a Noob theme song*
Do/get/make something nice for each Noob member* (whatevs)

Of course, all items must include:

  • Attending Nick’s shows
  • Supporting another Noob’s special occasion
  • Writing missionaries
  • Updating the blog
  • Recording all activities via Flip
  • Documenting all activities via still-shot camera
  • Staying out of trouble…kind of
  • Lifting others...kind of
  • Staying cool
  • Having fun

Monday, April 20, 2009

Album Cover Art

Yay! It's the cover for our cd. Photo and design by Merek Davis at Boomshot Studios

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nick's CD Release!

We're headlining The Clubhouse on May 8th for our first CD release! We have worked so hard and are so freaking excited about this. Everyone has been unbelievably supportive and we would have never come this far, this quickly without all of your help. This is the big payoff! All of the bands on the bill were hand picked by US to insure that it will be an amazing show through and through. So if you're not in another country, you should definitely plan on coming! Again, thanks so much for helping to make this possible. More info to come soon!

With Love,

UPDATE!: All of the support bands are now confirmed! You may check them out on their respective myspace pages

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Nick's Update

I wanted to update the page with something of my own since I have been away from the NOOBS for the past week and a half. The band, or Caleb and I rather, just finished tracking the rest of the songs for the Capa to the Sun EP! It was a very long, difficult and often times frustrating process. It was definitely way harder than I though it would be but the hard work really did pay off in the end because the songs sound amazing! Right now all the tracks are being mixed (should be finished in a few weeks) then they will be shipped off someplace to be mastered. Once mastered, the songs will be sent off to be pressed on to a thousand or so CD's which should arrive back to us just in time for the summer. The CD release show is still scheduled for May 15th at the Clubhouse Music Venue. Caleb and I are still going over different concepts for what the CD booklet will look like and we also have to decide on a name for the album, so there's still plenty of work to be done. For now, I am excited to go back to chillin' with the NOOBS. I can't stand missing FFC. And what's the deal with Cole shelling out the goods the ONE time I can't be there?!?! LAME!!! O well. To all the missionaries reading this, I miss you guys! Stay safe and keep it chill.

Seacrest Out.